Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pimps Whores and Welfare Brats

Many African Americans feel that when caught up in drama, they can use the race card. “It’s because I’m black, huh?”, many times when black people get accused of doing things they tend to think their race has something to do with it. I can agree with this a little bit; sometimes race does matter when things goes wrong. Stereotypes are the reason for this.

I remember in the twelfth grade I took a discussion-based class called, multicultural literature. One of the topics we talked about was racial profiling and the police. We had a police officer come in and talk to us about this matter, but before we got the facts, we discussed it amongst ourselves. We thought about a scenario in which a cop pulls over a black guy riding around in a flashy car. The stereotype about black people is that we are poor and have a high crime rate. So knowing this, the cop will pull the guy over, for no reason, and question where he got the car from and search it for illegal substances. Many people had their own interpretations on this subject, but when we talked to the cop, he cleared it all up. He told us that they are taught the different stereotypes about all races and are taught to racial profile in order to find suspects of a crime. When they are looking for a suspect they are doing it off of a description, so you cant blame them when it is in cases such as that. So when black people try to pull the race card when they are being accused, it’s because of the stereotypes.

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