Friday, February 11, 2011

Transformative College Literacy of Literate Black Women Peer Counselors

While reading about the schema theory, I thought about what I learned in ADW last semester, about the construction of knowledge. Like the schema theory, in a dialectic-learning environment, students apply what they already know to what they are being taught. The best teachers teach in this way; their discussions about intelligent topics run smoothly and are filled with new knowledge. There are many discussions held in class that the class cannot participate in because they don’t watch the news or read it. A lot of young adults do not watch the news enough so are unaware about current events that are going on in the United States and other countries around the world. When watching the news, you receive vital information, something’s are major and some are small pieces of information that can help with your everyday life. I will admit that I am apart of the many young adults that don’t pay attention to the news like I should.

Learning in a schema theory or dialectic learning environment helps the mind to expand more and retain information. It helps students to think critically, solve problems, and hold intelligent conversations. This leads me to the first thing talked about in the text, wisinewski says, “If you’re ignorant of everything that is going on and you have no idea and you’re just walking around, then how can you say we need change, or we need this and that?” (wisinewski 69). I agree with this one hundred percent. Walking around not knowing about anything doesn’t contribute anything to this country. Being a critical thinker allows an intellectual to be able to hold their own point of view on things; they don’t just “hop on the bandwagon”. It is very important to have a personal point of view, or you will get walked over. People like this are considered pushovers.

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